Audition Cut Sheet Music

Need sheet music for an audition with a pianist? Here’s how you can get it!

1) You buy the sheet music for the full song from SheetMusicDirect or MusicNotes — this part is non-negotiable since we want to make sure that the composers/rights holders get their money.

2) Fill out the form below.

3) We’ll send you a PayPal link to pay for our music engraving services (it will generally be $10, but we may offer discounts if you are looking for multiple songs at once).

4) We send you the personalized PDF for the cut that you can take in to your audition.

Still have questions? Contact us here with general inquires!

If multiple, separate titles by commas
So we can make sure that we have the same cut in mind. If multiple, separate links by commas
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Once you have purchased sheet music from either SheetMusicDirect or MusicNotes, take a screenshot of the receipt and upload it here.